James Ramya Rajan

I just realised I have been away for almost a week from posting or reading anything from here. In my defense, I was finally able to locate my camera. And we were getting introduced to each other all over again :)

My usage of the camera dropped around the later part of 2018 and with the birth of our son #OhBoy the following year I have been just shooting primarily with my iPhone XR.

There is a lot of brushing up to do, including literally cleaning up the body and sensor!

I hope to get back to shooting with this old friend and do a lot of pending edits on my Lightroom as well!

Our condo is getting decorated for Deepavali!


After the back injury last year, I’ve been slowly building up the strength. Finally after ages, got to do 5K yesterday.

From where I was last year, this is a huge win. Hoping to slowly build up the strength for a 10K by next year! Poco a poco, paso a paso!


(I am the 3rd from the left!)

Ethnochestra Senandung Nusantara

Thursday night we got an opportunity to attend the National Day reception organised by the Embassy of Indonesia here in Kuala Lumpur. As part of the evening, there was an concert titled Senandung Nusantara

It was one of a kind, of the concerts I have been to so far. It was an excellent blend of traditional folk and modern sounds. And the lighting and projection of visuals (they do it off stage as well!) envelope you and transport you.

For me the highlight of the evening was Woro Mustiko! What a talent—both with the singing and dancing!

(The photo is bad, I know! But this is the only shot I got of her performance!)


I was a fan of @elk.zone (https://elk.zone/) to browse my Mastodon feed, until I discovered @phanpy.social (https://phanpy.social/).

I in love with what @cheeaun@mastodon.social has done at Phanpy.social. Highly recommend it!

An obituary that unravels a lot more to what was considered a disconnected life!

A nice heart warming obituary and send-off, to an otherwise who was assumed to have had a lonely and disconnected life!

It is perhaps the longest lasting legacy of the pandemic: the loss that trickles its way through every part of society. The great reported and unreported loss of life looms as the world attempts to move on. It may not be the policies, the fines or the conspiracies, but loss that ultimately defines how the pandemic is remembered.

Atilla died alone, and seemed to have no family. But a sex shop told a surprisingly different story

📽Leo (2023)

Watched Leo today in the cinemas.

Overall it is a decent watch. It has many things going for it — a good premise, technical brilliance and good action set pieces.

My biggest dissatisfaction with the movie was the writing. It lacks the drama required to justify the actions of its characters. It all feels flimsy, ridden with logical loose ends and very non-practical stuff.

Sample a couple of things that I just could not let it slide by—

  • For being an animal rescuer, the titular character after been clawed in by a wild beast, doesn’t even bother to wash the wound. He is specifically shown to just see it in mirror, change his shirt and go about business as usual.
  • In the climax the hero has setup traps along the walkway to his house, which his family is unaware of. Yeah it adds to the thrill, but if you are a parent and that too of a young child, you would know that this is just not how a parent would function. That too on the bloody walkway, for a unaware family that is indoors without you at home!

For a director who gave us Maanagaram and Kaithi (where the the ton of action was ably supported by the drama set pieces), this feels like a decline.

I just wish Lokesh takes some more time for some solid writing, instead of this frantic pace of movie making!

We attended the Bathukamma Festival organised by the Malaysia Telangana Association.


Date night at Shakariki 432

Shakariki 432", Hartamas, Kuala Lumpur

Last evening was a date with The Missus after a long time.

I have been wanting to try a Japanese Izakaya in the neighbourhood called Shakariki432" and so we landed up there. We totally loved the vibe, the food and drinks.

We started off with Sapporo Beer🍺, Suntory Kaku Highball, Edamame, Beef Stew and Gyozas. Everything was spot on, in particular that Beef Stew was just 😍.

With conversations meandering all over the place, I added a couple of more drinks — Ponzu Sour and Tsuruume Yuzu Sake. Loved them both, mostly because of their citrusy flavour profile. I missed taking pictures of them and I blame the wonderful company for it! 😆

As I am writing this I find out that Ponzu Sour has an interesting backstory, check it out..

For the mains, we just shared a bowl of Ramen🍜, along with Aburi Shime Saba (Torched marinated Mackerel). Since it The Missus’s first time trying out Ramen we chose the milder broth style of Assari (missed a picture of it as well 😞). The Saba (Mackarel) was just basic and brilliant!

Overall an happy evening filled with good conversation, food and drinks!

#DiningOut #MalaysianDiary

The delightful Jaftea!

For the last two evenings we have been enjoying this wonderful tea 🍵 from Jaftea called Blueberry Delight.

It has a very juicy flavour profile, that is such a joy to drink.

Someone gifted it to us here in Malaysia. Blessed be those souls!


Adding "Reply on Mastodon"

Pretty pleased that I navigated through a bunch of things—custom themes, debugging template errors and some CSS styling to get “Reply on Mastodon” up on the site.

Not sure what I broke along the way. But that is for tomorrow 😆

The community around at Micro Blog and @help has been awesome!

Gender Theory by Judith Butler

A very good primer on Sex, Gender and how to update our thinking about it.

While I was aware of this idea of gender, the fluidity of it and how one is free to choose it, the highlights of this talk for me were —

  • Jews are the only ones usually talked about as targets of Nazi holocaust. We tend to miss out the others who were also targetted - the queer people, gays, lesbians, people with disabilities, people with illnesses etc.
  • Our vocabulary of being inclusive is constantly evolving with ages. We have now learnt to better address people of colour, women etc. The evolution to address the non-binary folks in a better way, acknowledges their existence, which is the very start of hearing out to them.

Go listen to the talk.

Gender Theory

BBC's Dars - a lifeline for Aghan girls

Such a good news to read about the impactful work of passionate folks, in otherwise bleak world news from the last week!

She used to feel as though the world had forgotten about girls in Afghanistan. “I was wondering if there are people out there that care about me,” she says. “I hope one day I will be able to go back to school, but until then Dars can help me to feel connected with my classroom.”

BBC show is a ‘lifeline’ for Afghan girls, UN says - BBC News

Steph Ango - Buying Wisely

The below article by Steph Ango, resonates with how I would also approach purchases. It is nice to see how Steph has put a process heuristic around it.

Whenever I buy things I try to prioritize cost per use. Sometimes I consider other priorities such as cost per smile, cost per thrill, cost per externality, and cost per lesson.

Buy wisely stephango.com

Borneo Cultures Museum, Kuching

We recently visited Kuching, Sarawak. The Borneo Cultures Museum was the first on our list.

We started off with the section called Healing Crisis: Lessons from the Pandemic. This simple presentation captured so well the essence of our lives during the Pandemic!

It was one of the well curated and presented museums we have been in the recent times. And there is a section for Children that will keep them engaged a really long time. I highly recommend it.

#Travel #Sarawak #MalaysianDiary

A new home online at jrr.digital

I have been accessing the internet since 1998. It started with chatting on Internet Relay Chatrooms (IRC) on text-based Unix terminals. I have come a long way today, being online almost all the time through my mobile and laptop. Someday, I hope to document the journey to this point, but for today, I will focus on the key milestone of my online journey—my own space at jrr.digital.

After renting spaces online for email, blogs, microblogs, and photoblogs, I have finally come to realize the value of owning one’s own space in the online world where the content is mine, and I am in control of it. I am no longer subject to whimsical policy changes or the whims of site owners I rent space from.

I know I am a few decades late to this game of owning one’s own site. I consciously stayed away from it because of the costs and effort involved in running one’s site. Also, I’ve always felt that I have a lot more to learn and know, so what new could I actually add in terms of posts?

However, over the years, I have realized that learning is a continuous process, and it is better to learn in public. I used to be concerned about contradicting myself over the years. But I now realize that I am a work in progress and will continue to be one forever. In the process, we may never look at the same thing in the same way. It is no longer me contradicting myself, but it is just me growing into, or rather being who I am today.

As far as the costs are concerned, it is affordable for me now. I have been paying for my own email for the last couple of years, and at $50 a year, it gives me a lot of peace of mind and control over my email aliases. As for the website, I liked the idea of Wordpress and the simplicity of hosting your own place on the internet there. However, off late, I have been enamored by the principles of Indie Web and Fediverse. I find Micro.Blog a perfect fit for what I want today. It has everything I need—hosting a site, options for both long form and short form, photo blogging, cross-posting, etc. And all of this at $50 a year.

So here I am, taking the plunge of buying my own domain jrr.digital, hosting it on Micro.Blog, finding a new home for all my previous online posts (Instagrams and Tweets), and starting to share my thoughts here, beginning with this post.

I have a vague idea of how I want to organize this place—posts, interesting links, photos, books, etc. I hope to do this over time as I tend to this digital garden of mine. 🤞🏼

1st Anniversary of Sleep Training

At around 7.30p each day, #OhBoy kisses and waves everyone good night. Me and him step into the bedroom and approx. 20mins later I am out. He sleeps through the night and wakes up at around 6am next morning.

This was not the case a year ago. Here is our journey.

How it was

A year ago, #OhBoy would wake up every 45m to an hour and would only fall asleep with a feed. He was using The Missus as a soothing toy to fall sleep. Both of them were not happy with this arrangement and resulted in cranky behavior throughout the day (dare I say for both!).

Things got so bad that we would dread evenings as the sleep time approached. This is the time The Missus read about sleep training (on Mint Lounge, I think). She searched about the author Kerry Bajaj and purchased her book—Sleep, Baby, Sleep, on Kindle.

Discovering sleep training

The Missus read it first and was convinced on the way forward. I read the first chapter and agreed with her. The book talks of many things—setting a routine and avoid surprises, being boring at sleep time, low to no light in the room, white noise etc.

We were adopting some of those things already. Like an evening routine—bath, powder, read a book and sleep, using yellow lights instead of white lights etc.

Braving the start

A year ago from today, 29th May 2020, we went cold turkey to begin sleep training. We stuck newspapers on windows to block ambient light. Setup a nice cozy bed for the evening and showed it to #OhBoy all day to make it familiar. Fed him well to sustain the night. I had an early dinner at 7.30p and went into the room with him. I locked ourselves up with just a bottle of water for him and a speaker playing rain sounds.

After almost 45mins of crying and fighting to get out of the room, he slept off. It was tough on us to bear those cries, but we all believed it was the right thing.

The first night he woke up 4-5 times. Each time I gave him water and he grudgingly had it and fought a little, but went back to sleep.

He was on a two nap routine, so we did the same next day for his morning and afternoon naps as well. Day naps were tougher than nights, given the daylight around. But we made it a point that this was the way he is going to sleep.

The transformation

What started with so much resistance from him, went on to become something he loved. He began seeing sleep as an enjoyable activity, instead of something that made him miss all the fun around.

During the course of the year, we invested in a separate bed/crib for him.

We went on a couple of vacations, but all through, kept up with the routine (much to the disappointing nods from many around!).

We also took turns on who would put him to sleep, so he would not build an attachment to just one of us to fall asleep.

We were able to see the change. He was a happier kid with less cranky outbursts. More importantly he embraced sleep as another essential activity.

We still have off-days once in a while, when he wants to lie in bed and throw silly tantrums. Then there are days when he goes on about choosing pillows/sheets, wanting to get cozy on the shoulder, asking to pat or sing a song etc. But more often than not, we both would get in, talk for a while and he would lie down, toss around and fall asleep.

We see our role now as those enabling him to catch the sleep train each night.

Our guide for sleep training

We highly recommend the book Sleep, Baby, Sleep by Kerry Bajaj. In fact, we have presented the book to new parents in our circles and talked about it at every chance with new parents.

PS: Yes, our parents did not follow this “fad” of sleep training. But this is the need of our times. Super bright lights, plethora of screens, increased ambient noises etc., have all changed since we were kids. IMO to accommodate all these changes, we need to sleep train kids. Else it is a disservice to them.

Reading with #OhBoy

When reading our morning papers, we often found #OhBoy peering into it and staring at the coloured images.

So we got him his first book which is about shapes and colours. And now mornings are spent showing and telling stories on them.

He is a happy one staring at them in loop. And his latest trick is that, if you lift a page, he turns it for you 😱

#YoungReader #FirstBook #Chennai #ChennaiDiaries

Wallart in Chennai

#WallArt #Chennai #ChennaiDiaries

Deepavalli 2019

Happy Deepavalli to all you folks celebrating it!!

En route to Kadapa this morning, somewhere near Thiruttani.

#Landscape #BlueSky #Clouds #Travel #TravelDiaries

Pan con Tómate in Chennai

One of our favorite breakfasts is Pan con Tómate (Bread 🥖 with Tomatoes 🍅), a dish that we picked up from our stay in Spain.

It is simple to make. Grate a tomato (we being us, grate a green chilli or two as well) and add salt to taste. Toast bread slices and you are done. . Today we added a Cheese Omelette. Coz more cheese is always welcome! 😜

While at it, the #Ciabatta bread at @oldmadrasbakingcompany is our latest favourite. Hard on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside, it is good both plain and toasted. Look at those air pockets in the bread! 🤩

#Bread #Breakfast #CheeseOmlette #Food #Chennai #chennaidiaries

Having put #OhBoy to sleep, we were catching up on TV. Someone on screen mentions ice cream and the Missus goes ‘‘How long has it been since we had ice cream! *sigh*'’. And as they say, the rest is history! 😂

Both Guava and Roasted Almond ice cream at Apsara Ice Creams are total flavour bombs! Loved it.

#Chennai #ChennaiDiaries

Happy Vinayaka Chaturthi folks! What fun is a festival without good food. *Burps*

#Festival #VinayakaChathurthi #Chennai #ChennaiDiaries

This is us from 2007 to 2019! Happy 12th anniversary to us!!

#Chennai #ChennaiDiaries