I am pretty pleased that I finally found a way to collect quotes from all the notes in my Obsidian Vault. I am using Dataview to query it out.

All thanks to GPT4. We went back and forth with the code, the errors, the gaps in the logic and finally after a day I am pleased with what I have now!

Hope it is useful to those looking for something similar. One thing to note before you proceed, my quotes all use Markdown Admonitions syntax of >[!quote] and has the tag #Quote

async function loadQuotes() {
    let quotes = [];
    const pages = await dv.pages("#Quote");

    for (const page of pages) {
        const content = await dv.io.load(page.file.path);
        if (typeof content === "string") {
            let inQuoteBlock = false;
            let quoteBuffer = [];

            content.split('\n').forEach((line) => {
                if (line.trim().match(/^>\s*\[!quote\]/) && line.includes("#Quote")) {
                    if (inQuoteBlock) {
                        addQuote(quotes, quoteBuffer, page);
                    inQuoteBlock = true;
                    let titlePart = line.split("#Quote")[1] || "";
                    quoteBuffer = [`<b>${titlePart.trim()}</b>`];
                } else if (inQuoteBlock) {
                    if (line.trim() === "") {
                        addQuote(quotes, quoteBuffer, page);
                        inQuoteBlock = false;
                    } else {
                        let formattedLine = line.trim().replace(/^>{1,2}/, '').trim().replace("[!quote]", "").replace("#Quote", "");

            if (inQuoteBlock && quoteBuffer.length > 0) {
                addQuote(quotes, quoteBuffer, page);

    quotes.sort((a, b) => b.rawModifiedTime - a.rawModifiedTime);
    let numberedQuotes = quotes.map((q, index) => [index + 1, q.quote, q.source]);
    dv.table(["#", "Quote", "Source"], numberedQuotes);

    function addQuote(quotes, quoteBuffer, page) {
        let modifiedTime = page.file.mtime ? dv.date(page.file.mtime) : 'Unknown';
            quote: quoteBuffer.join("<br>"),
            source: `[[${page.file.name}]]`,
            rawModifiedTime: page.file.mtime || 0
